Make your office more green with Lucy, the lightbending adaptive lighting fixture

Reducing the carbon footprint

If you are a small business and looking to cut down on power bills, and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time, Lucy might be just the lady you need to see. Lucy is an ultra-portable, eco-friendly illumination system originally designed by Diva Tommei, CEO of Solenia Inc, to combat her own Seasonal Affective Disorder. While the Italian designed robot is highly effective for SAD, the solar-powered device can also help lower power bills and reduce your carbon footprint by keeping lightbulbs turned off throughout daylight hours.

Bends natural light

So, you ask. How does she work? What does she do? Lucy harvests sunlight from the outdoors, bends it, and reflects that light anywhere you direct it. All you have to do is place Lucy in a sunny spot (even outdoors), point her “nose” toward the ceiling of the room you want to illuminate with light, and the reflected sunlight will hit the ceiling and scatter around the room evenly. Lucy doesn’t concentrate sunlight, but actually spreads it out.

Buy one, or multiple

Because Lucy weighs just 5.5 pounds, she is easily portable and can be carried from room to room at home. However, you could also purchase several for the office building and have them left permanently in specific conference rooms or certain offices with large windows where you leave the lights turned off to save energy.

More features in development

Because Lucy is spherical, she comes with a flat, horizontal resting post on which to rest. Tommei and Solenica Inc are currently creating go-go gadget add-ons like multidirectional arms so that Lucy can be placed on more than horizontal surfaces. They are also working on an app that will be able to tell you about you house or office’s illumination needs.

Solenica is developing a Brightness Index to grade how well or poorly your home is lit, and what you can do to improve the situation. In addition, Lucy and the app will tell you how much energy you have been saving by using less electricity and relying more and more on your own solar-powered robot.

Pre-order and get on the list

The entire first pre-order batch of the Lucy adaptive lighting is already completely sold through, so the company is currently taking email addresses for the next shipment of illumination systems.
Don't think and head over to their Website.